Delicious is a wonderful social
bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. It
uses a non-hierarchical classification system in which users can tag each of
their bookmarks with freely chosen index terms. Delicious also allowed users to
group links with similar topics together to form a "Stack", and
include title and descriptions for the Stack page. Stacks could be worked on
collaboratively with other users, and could be followed and shared with other
Use of Delicious is free. All bookmarks posted to
Delicious are publicly viewable by default, although users can mark specific
bookmarks as private. Delicious is one of the most interesting social
bookmarking services like scoop I have ever seen. Many features have
contributed to this, including the website's simple interface, human-readable URL
scheme, and a novel domain name. I would recommend everybody to open a
delicious page!
URL to explore:
Besides, of course you can google!